UI Overview

Newbie Quests are tied to your account creation, with a countdown from the moment you first log in. Progress is retroactive, so just play the game normally. Do everything in your power to finish them – the final reward is a 10x pull.
You can change your nickname for free, as many times as you want, up until Patch 1.1.
You can redeem your codes at the settings menu. Check in with the Discord for an updated list of codes.
Stamina replenishes at a rate of 1 every 5 minutes, or 12 per hour. You will naturally regenerate 288 Stamina per day. In addition, you will get a Large Stamina Potion (20 Stamina) every day via the Daily Quests, bringing the daily Total Stamina to 308.
The current Stamina Cap is 120, giving you 10 hours to fully replenish your Stamina from 0.
All Stamina Potions in the game have an expiry date that you can check via the inventory menu. Plan your usage strategically, and try to conserve them for events where you will want to grind out the event rewards. Whatever you do, don’t let it go to waste.
Account Level
Your Account gains exp at a rate of Stamina Cost x 4. For example, if a mission requires 15 Stamina, you will gain 60 exp for finishing it.
The Stamina Cap rises with your Account Level, up to a cap of 120.
Every time you level up, you will immediately gain 120 Stamina.
Daily, Weekly & Monthly Resets
The Daily reset is at 3am UTC, with the Weekly reset on Mondays & the Monthly reset corresponding to the Calendar Month.
Game updates are usually deployed on Mondays along with the Weekly reset. Personally, I would advise expending all Stamina prior to an update in case the maintenance takes longer than expected.
Dailies, Weeklies, Monthlies & Other Lies
A simple list of priority tasks to be completed.
Daily | Weekly | Monthly |
Daily Quests Daily Ongoing Shop Daily Limited Gold Mission Check Stamina Potion Expiry | Weekly Quests Patch Notes | 10x Tickets from Monthly Shop |
You do not need to do all the Daily & Weekly quests. Simply complete enough to claim the rewards.

For Weekly Quests, there is a task to upgrade Relics 3 times. 3 times in this case means you will need to upgrade it 3 times. Using 3 relics at a time to upgrade the relics only counts as upgrading once. I’m pretty salty about this one, don’t make the same mistake I made.