
A detailed explanation and analysis of each and every Persona’s skill, role, matchups & recommend builds can be found over at Matchups. I would highly advise reading through the rest of the guide first before going there.
This section deals with the Persona menu, more specifically what each function does and what to look out for
To avoid confusion, I will almost always be referring to units by their Persona, not their Name.
For example, Timekeeper is the Persona, Inase is her Name. Apart from preventing confusion later on, this will also be relevant when we start talking about dupes.
Generally speaking, Bot Personas become completely useless once you have at least 4 female Personas unlocked.
There are some exceptions to the rule, namely Kitsune, but even that’s debatable & highly situational.
Persona Menu

E.g Persona Page – Timekeeper
Level Up
You don’t really get a lot of stats from levelling up, but that’s not the point. Levelling up your main party helps combat the Level Mod. Basically, the bigger the difference in level, the more damage you receive. Make it a point to keep your main party levelled, it will make a huge difference even if the stats suggest otherwise.
All Persona XP potions costs 2 Gold per XP. Bigger XP potions just means you click less.
Levelling gets expensive very quickly, so prioritise your main party above all else. This means optimising your team early on and avoid leveling unnecessary Personas, and for the love of Eros don’t level Bots unless you’ve got a really good reason to.
Level | Total Gold Required | Total XP Required |
0 – 20 | 190 006 | 95 003 |
20 – 40 | 625 502 | 312 751 |
40 – 50 | 558 000 | 279 000 |
50 – 60 | 1 296 002 | 648 001 |
Total Cost | 2 669 510 | 1 334 755 |
It will cost approximately 3 million gold to max out a Persona once you factor in Transcend costs. In addition, you will also need a large amount of XP potions. To demonstrate this – the highest level daily Gold & EXP missions give 125 000 Gold & 100 000 XP worth of potions respectively.
The Max Level of all Personas = your account level.
The Level Cap for Personas is 20. This can be raised by Transcending them. You will need to Transcend Personas at level 20, 40 & 50 to further increase the Level Cap.
In order to transcend Personas, you will require several resources, all of which can be farmed via gameplay. These items can be obtained via the respective resource mission, the Daily Ongoing Store, and through Event rewards/milestones.
Evolving Personas increases their base rarity. The progression here is>
, with
bring the Max Evolution. Yes, you can evolve Bots. No, you shouldn’t.
The main reason for evolving a Persona is for the massive stat boost – it is the single biggest stat boost in the game. Functionally, the Persona remains exactly the same, and will continue to use the same dupes to rank up.
The materials needed for Evolving Personas are extremely rare and difficult to obtain. The only consistent way to obtain them would be via Event missions & rewards.
In case you’re wondering, Timekeeper will not turn into Crusader
Awaken/Rank Up

You can Awaken/Rank Up Personas by pressing the “+” icon as seen above.
Each awakening rank gives a huge boost to their stats, and is the most consistent and reliable way to power up your Personas. In addition, each rank increases the skill Level Cap by 1, up to a maximum of 7.
The materials needed for Awakening are called “Inscriptions”, more commonly known to the gacha community as “dupes”. The max rank is 6 Star, which means you will need to awaken them 6 times.

Inscriptions come in 2 forms – Persona Inscriptions (left, Purple) & Character Inscriptions (Right, Golden).
All dupes from the Gacha will be converted to Persona Inscriptions.convert to 30 Persona Inscriptions
convert to 50 Persona Inscriptions,
convert to 100 Persona Inscriptions.
Once you have fully Awakened a Persona, all future dupes will be converted to Character Inscriptions. The conversation rate is 10 per SR, and 30 for SSRs.
Character Inscriptions work exactly like Persona Inscriptions, except that they can be used to awaken any other Personas belonging to the same character. For example, Dark Countess Inscriptions will be converted to Cartilla Inscriptions, which can be used to Awaken Shadowswift and/or White Rose.
All Personas have 3 skills, namely Basic, Special & Ultimate. I will also refer to them as S1, S2 & S3.
All skills can be levelled up to a maximum of 7. However, the level cap for skills is directly tied to the Persona’s Awakening level.

Levelling up skills generally improves the base damage + scaling for the skill*. In addition, all Personas get a 1 turn cooldown reduction for all skills at skill level 4.
Personas have a 3 turn cooldown on S2, and a 5 turn cooldown on S3. This can be reduced to 2 turns on S2, and 4 turns on S3 at skill level 4.
Base Personas have a 2 turn cooldown on S2, and a 4 turn cooldown on S3. This can be reduced to 1 turn on S2, and 3 turns on S3 at skill level 4.
*Support skills generally do not improve by levelling up, apart from a small increase in DPS. Their main effect are usually only strengthened via their exclusive relics, although there are exceptions to this.