Super Special Rare

 Offensive Persona


Harvest Moon is a purely offensive Persona with a focus on bleed debuffs.

Bleed deals damage equal to 5% / 10% of max HP every time the enemy unit takes a turn. This bypasses enemy defenses and can affect bosses as well.

Bleed gives Harvest Moon unsurpassed utility & DPS against extremely durable bosses, beating even Timekeeper’s ridiculous scaling.

She also has amazing scaling on her skills, making her a good DPS even without bleed.

Her weaknesses are similar to Timekeeper, namely a lack of party support skills and low survivability without a Tank. In addition, because she’s an SSR unit, her dupes are naturally harder to come by, meaning she loses out to Timekeeper for pure DPS.


All of Harvest Moon’s skills scale off ATK.

The skills below are based on the 0★ form and at Level 1:

Basic Attack
The target takes damage equal to 110 + 100% of ATK.

Basic Attack does some damage & ends turn.

Special – Flower Gash [Cooldown 2 turns.]

The target takes damage equal to 185 + 150% of ATK, 50% chance of inflicting [Bleed] for 3 turns.

[Bleed]: Take damage equal to 5% of Current HP at the beginning of every turn.

Her Special Attack hits hard and inflicts a 5% bleed debuff.

Ultimate – Matsuflash [Cooldown 4 turns.]

The target takes damage equal to 260 + 300% of ATK, 50% chance of inflicting [Hemorrhage] for 3 turns.

[Hemorrhage]: Take damage equal to 10% of Current HP at the beginning of every turn.

Her Ultimate does massive damage (300% scaling on ATK, like Timekeeper) & debuffs the enemy with 10% bleed. Land the hit and watch the boss bleed out.


Essentially Timekeeper but specced for bosses. The main reason Timekeeper is favored is simply because it is harder for Harvest Moon to rank up and get the massive stat bonuses to make the most of the amazing scaling.

Bleed will always be a viable strategy against bosses. The current meta for 6-20 is to cheese the boss with Bleed using a Bot persona.

I was really hoping her SSR weapon would be a hoe. I had a lot more farming jokes, but it’s hard to be a fun guy while writing a Guide.

How to build

Prioritize E.HIT first, Spec her for ATK when not up against Boss stages.

Her Bleeds will easily out damage your attacks, but you need it to connect first.

I’m not sure what her SSR does because the description is harder to understand than this guide.

Exclusive Relic


Evolve Materials


Divine Testimony
x 2

Discovery Manuscript
x 10

Discovery Codex
x 20

x 150000


Trancend Lv. Req. Materials Max Lv. Cap Unlocked
Lv. 20
Discovery Seal x 8

Discovery Emblem x 8

Flame Stone x 8

x 60000
Lv. 40
Lv. 40
Discovery Emblem x 15

Discovery Badge x 10

Flame Mineral x 10

x 200000
Lv. 50
Lv. 50
Discovery Emblem x 15

Discovery Badge x 10

Flame Baetyl x 10

x 300000
Lv. 60
Lv. 60
Discovery Emblem x 20

Discovery Badge x 15

Flame Baetyl x 15

x 350000
Lv. 65
Lv. 65
Realm-Shattering Jade x 4

Discovery Mark x 20

Flame Baetyl x 20

x 400000
Lv. 70

Availability and where to obtain

  • In [Normal Summon], any [Limited-Time Goddess Summon].