
In the words of the late Robin Williams, “God gave us all a penis and a brain, but only enough blood to run one at a time”.

Look up the definition of the term ‘Boudoir’ if you want a laugh. Nothing much to say here, it’s mainly for your eyes anyway.

That said, I am a man of science. All Personas, SR & SSR,(Now consolidated to 1 Character) have the same requirements to level up here. And now you can skip upgrading ❤1 Figure and go straight to ❤3 Free if you wanted to!

*Note: Now you need the exact amount of Incense in order to unlock any ❤! You can’t do it manually 1 by 1 now!

[Persona] HeartIntimacy Needed
❤1 Figure45,000
❤2 Memory90,000
❤3 Free135,000

Intimacy Overview

With the update in [Boudoir], there is Basic Combat Stats to be earned! as well as new ways for unlocking additional Idle Action and Interaction!
In [Boudoir], click on your Character, e.g Cartilla, and click on the small ‘i’ icon in the top right corner below the Home button to check it out!

Cartilla has currently the highest [Persona] count, therefore have the ❤24 to be unlocked! We will use her as an example.

[Persona] HeartUnlocks
❤1Basic Combat Stats + 1.00%
❤2Basic Combat Stats + 1.00%
❤3Basic Combat Stats + 1.00%,
Idle Action (Intimate) 2
❤4Basic Combat Stats + 1.00%
❤5Basic Combat Stats + 1.00%
❤6Basic Combat Stats + 1.00%,
Interaction (Clothed) 2
❤8Basic Combat Stats + 2.00%
❤10Basic Combat Stats + 2.00%
❤12Basic Combat Stats + 2.00%
❤14Basic Combat Stats + 1.00%
❤16Basic Combat Stats + 1.00%
❤18Basic Combat Stats + 1.00%
❤21Basic Combat Stats + 1.00%
❤24Basic Combat Stats + 1.00%

Now you are able to gain a grand total of +17% Basic Combat Stats! So you can be upgrading all your Character [Persona] overall stats at ONCE (YES, it affects all the Persona based on the Character you picked!) and be horny at the same time! AHAHA! Win-Win Situation isn’t it?

Dev pls

Preview of upcoming Botdoir (RIP old UI, definitely not going to be missed.)

Next Section: UI, Stamina & Dailies