The Beginner’s Guide is specifically designed for newcomers to help ease you into the game. Each section leads directly to the next, and it is very highly recommend to read the entire thing in order, and to read the whole thing through.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Where is the mailbox?

A: You need to clear Chapter 2-2 to access it.

Q: Y’all got any more of them CODES?

A: Discord & the search function.

Q: What is the most OP thing in the world?

A: Reading. Read the rest of the damn guide, it will answer almost everything.


As with every Gacha game, this should be among the very first thing you should do, along with reading the rest of this guide.

Gameplay 101

A short introduction to basic gameplay mechanics, enough for you to clear Chapter 2-2, after which the tutorial ends and you are free to ruin manage your wallet account as you see fit.

Progression Guide

A list of major milestones and goals to help you along the way.